Sunday, March 8, 2009

A new idea is a soap bubble!

How do you handle a soap bubble? With extreme gentleness, the quality of touch is sublime isn't it? Any jerking and the bubble will burst.

A new idea in your consciousness takes root only if you treat it with that extreme gentleness. Resistance to a new idea is natural. The resistance towards new ideas can easily be overcome with gentleness. The kind of quality you need to feel in order to move a soap bubble without breaking it.

If you don't develop this quality of touch, you'll lose many ingenious ideas and the world will be a poorer place for it.


To focus your mental energies into a new idea

1. Search your mind for an idea that does not work for you, and identify a new idea that you could use instead. For example lets say you are a CA and you believe it's hard to get new clients, that'a not  a reality just an idea. One new idea you could use is that everyone you meet is a potential client and it's easy to approach them. 

Your mind will rebel violently if this idea is introduced abrubtly in a normal waking state. Your mind will search for data to support the old belief and burst the bubble of your new idea. So you really need to get into the state of mind that will accept your new exciting idea. Here's how you do it.

2. Move an imaginary soap bubble around for a munite with both your palms, try to get into the altered state of mind that allows you to do this

3. Once your consciousness feels gentle enough to welcome  a new idea think about the idea. See the picture/ movie and hear the words, nurture this idea against any jerks and allow it to form clearer. Treat it like you would treat a soap bubble as you move it into deeper layers of your being. 

4. If you nurture it this way for a few minutes you'll be compelled to act on the new idea instead of the old one. The bubble will attach to your being and draw nourishment until it is strong enough to populate your consciousness instead of the old one.

5. You need to go inside and nurture this idea with a gentle state of consciousness everyday. You can modify it and beautify it till its the best idea in the universe.

6. Your mind will now search for evidence to validate the new idea.

Fighting old ideas is never effective. Ease them into your consciousness like you'd ease a soap bubble into another position.

Once you grasp this subtle state of consciousness through your body's movements as described in point 2. above you can wash away the deepest and most stubborn of your negative ideas and replace them with shiny new ones.

How many ideas do you want to work on? There's no limit at all! Just be gentle and relaxed.

Good luck with this. It is a little subtle to grasp if you don't approach it through your body. Move that imaginary soap bubble for a minute with your palms for a minute and read the post again if you didn't get it.

Share your results with me! :)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Boom De Ya Da!

Imagine if you played this in your brain... everyday when you woke up!

Have fun being Boom-de-ya-da today!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Designer Beliefs

When you set out to achieve something or even do something, it can be hard or it can be easy. It's difficulty or ease depends more on you than you realize. If you set out to do something and have beliefs contrary to what you want to do you will find it tortuous and hard.

For example if you want to make an extra 50000 bucks this month and you believe that you'll have to work 10 times as hard, you'll kill yourself trying to do it.

Many people have negative beliefs about the very thing they'd like to achieve. Money, finding a romantic partner, finding a job, becoming thin, buying a new house, a new office, a new car, making it to the movies, whatever your desire, it must be aligned with your beliefs if you are to see any results at all!

On the other hand if you really aligned your desires with your beliefs you'd feel compelled to move your ass and get things done. You'd be effervescent and bright eyed and bushy tailed. Spreading cheer and hope in your wake!

Everyone likes a believer. Everyone needs someone to show them hope. Be that person, do the exercise below :)


To find and replace your negative beliefs with positive ones

1. State what it is that you desire

2. As soon as you state it, you will be flooded with thoughts about the desire

3. All these thoughts will reveal your beliefs about this subject

4. Write down all of them without judging them

5. You may have 10-15 thoughts

6. Now check for incongruity, for example if you desire to make more money and you believe that it's 'too much hard work' you need to change that belief to 'making money is effortless'

7. Next to the incongruous beliefs write down the congruent one

8. Find your 'bakwaas' location, this is where we store things we don't believe. Think of something you used to believe in and found out was a lie, like Santa Claus or the tooth fairy or that there's a rabbit in the moon. The place where you focus in order to see this image is your 'bakwaas location'. Bakwaas is a Hindi word that means balderdash, poppycock or bosh.

9. Say the incongruous beliefs, see the visuals they bring up and drag and drop them in the bakwaas location. Imagine a hand sticking them there with superglue.

10. Now find your strong belief location by stating the belief 'breathing is good for me' notice where your eyes focus as you say this, that's were you see the visual of 'breathing is good for me' which is undoubtedly a strong belief in all living people.

11. Take your new congruent beliefs and pop it in this location, so take the visual of 'making money is easy and effortless for me' and pop it in the location of 'breathing is good for me'

12. Do this for all the new beliefs and hear them fit in the new location with a nice click

13. Now open and close your fist 3 times. This is to anchor the belief so that it's easier to reach this neurological state represented by this belief when ever you make and open a fist 3 times.

14. Test the anchor everytime you feel the presence of the old belief. You will smoothly click the new one into place!

If in doubt mail me!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

NLP is a Physical Discipline

If you want to experience something mentally can you do it without involving your body. Can you be 'mentally disturbed' without disturbing your physical body? Try it!

It's all in the body. If you understand this you can change any mental state by altering your physical state. When you visualize something ie make pictures of something it's done relative to your body. Your body is at the centre of all your mental activity.

Your biochemistry and your neurology, real things! And they make things real for you!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Talking to the unconscious of another person

By now it must be clear to the regular readers of this blog that every person has two minds. One that is under our direct manual control called the conscious mind and the other an auto pilot system called the unconscious mind. All this is contained in our neurology and brain. Millions of small subroutines are executed every minute by your body without any assistance from your consciousness. The neurology uses chemicals to communicate commands to the various organs of the body.

The unconscious is a highly programmable system and can be programmed to our suit our convenience. However many people don't understand this. They think aging and disease is outside their control, so they continue to kill themselves with bad feelings.

In this post I'm going to share a transformation with you. To write it I have to get into a deep trance and it would be great if you come with me.

You have to understand that bad feelings result from the malfunction of any part of the body. There was this person who claimed she was mentally disturbed. I told her there was no such thing. She became more disturbed when she heard that! So I quickly asked her, 'How do you know you're disturbed mentally?' To which she replied immediately, I feel crushed at my chest, I feel like a heavy weight has been placed on my chest.

This was true. I could see from her posture that her muscles were responding to resist this imaginary weight. But my point was made. You know that you have a bad feeling only when something in your body malfunctions. That's why you feel 'bad'. In this case her muscles were straining the heart and lungs, thereby straining all of the body. If you feel good, all your organs are in the process of moving towards a harmonious and balanced state or are already there!

So I told her, 'I can help you but you have to let me speak to that part of your mind that's holding up this weight'. Intonation is the key when you talk to someone's unconscious. When you speak to a pet or a child why do you change your tone of voice? It's the same thing, people's unconscious minds respond better to resonant voices more than nasal tones!

The more parts of your body involved in producing the sound the better. Have you ever heard Gulzar's voice? I'll try to find a sound sample of his voice when I have my broadband, right now it's suffer-at-2G-network-time! I'm at an obscure cafe in Whitefield, Bangalore with my wireless internet device. However, the point is that he bathes you in his tonality. It doesn't just enter from your ears, the vibrations enter your skin!


To develop a resonant voice, you'll have to start speaking from the pit of your stomach. Start with rumbling resonant vowels, AAAAAAAA, EEEEEEEEE, IIIIIIIIIII, OOOOOOOO, UUUUUUU then move to resonating consonants BBBBBBBBB, CCCCCCCC, DDDDDDDDDD, FFFFFFFFFF and so on. Practice everyday until your voice becomes resonant.

Never underestimate the power of the tone and tempo of your voice. If you want to help others you must be a master of this. Practice hard!

So back to the story, as soon as I said this, she let her consciousness admit my voice without analysing the words. It's difficult to consciously understand resonant words. Your conscious mind gets carried away by the quality of the words and skips the content.

And if you've got the attention of the unconscious mind a trance will result. Then it's a matter of communicating by creating purposeful pictures and sounds in the other person's mind. I said to her, 'If you hear me, Radha's unconscious (name changed to preserve my client's privacy) then see her thumb becoming warm. She said her thumb was becoming extremely warm, I touched it to check, it was indeed!

This means Radha's unconscious was listening to me! So I said to it, 'See the weight on her chest being lifted slowly by a large crane and going off into the distance, let the crane turn the corner and continue to see it until it becomes a speck on the horizon. See the muscles of Radha's chest soften and the skin fill with blood and fresh oxygen. Now take that condition of circulation and softness and see it spread all over her body. Let all her incomplete nerve impulses reach completion and relax all over her body. Close all the open circuits and hanging commands of her neurology. Let her feel complete again.'

In a matter of minutes Radha fell into a deep slumber. Her unconscious had knocked her consciousness right out while it made these adjustments. I continued to speak to Radha's unconscious, 'Make images of the last time Radha was carefree and happy and peaceful and complete. Multiply the feelings and chemicals that this state requires, to produce a state ten times more carefree and happy and peaceful and c o m p l e t e.' I was slowing the tempo of my voice to match the deeply relaxed vibrations of Radha's brain.

You have to dive right into a trance along with your client otherwise you won't know what's happening with them. By this time I was feeling as if I was floating on a cloud with soft saxophone notes in the background in between the words, the voices were coming from the depths of my being. it sounded more like a harmonised chorus than a single voice.

I said, 'When ever Radha looks inward to see how she's feeling show her the most exquisite parts of her neurology, the parts that are feeling the best. Let the best parts of herself be the reference points for her identity for the rest of her life. '

'Let her convert any less than exquisite feeling into an exquisite one. Blow off the lid that limits her from feeling good. Sort for better and better feelings everyday. Let her life be about exploring how much more exquisite she can feel. Reroute any searches for bad feelings to exquisite feelings, as she sleeps and dreams now make all these changes. When you have finished wake her up gently to the heavenly music of flutes.'

I waited for about 10 minutes, Radha woke up asking me who was playing the flutes.

She has become a very positive person since. She no longer complains of being mentally disturbed. Because when she sorts for that feeling her unconscious reroutes her to the exquisite parts of herself...

So slow your tempo, use resonant deep tonality, and play gentle rhythms in the background when you speak to yourself. You'll turn around your life.

Would you pay money to buy a CD of your current internal dialogue? If you wouldn't, change it to something you'd be eager to buy. You have the finest audio equipment in your head put it to good use! Tell me how it's going :)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How to ruin a bad memory

Ever have something happen to you that you wish had never happened? Something you feel bad about regularly? Something you can't get over?

This post is for you. The method I'm going to describe ruins the neuropathways you've built to feel bad in whenever you think of that situation. So that you can actually see the humour in it.

This can also work with anything you want to stop thinking about in the same way.

First test the memory. think about this thing and see if it's triggering bad feelings in you immediately. See the picture and hear the sounds, run the movie of this bad experience. Now if you're feeling bad that's great, this is exactly what I'm talking about.


To ruin a bad memory

1. Start at the very end of the memory. The part that really makes you feel bad. blow up the still image and turn up the volume.

2. Now start to play it backwards, everyone walks backwards, things fall up instead of down, bread pops into the toaster instead of out, you know what I;m talking about right? Just run it in reverse all the way back to the beginning before you had the event and all was well in the world. Below is an example of a backwards movie.

3. Even if it's a long movie run it backwards till the point in your life, back in time, when you were happy or laughing before this event happened.

4. As you run it backwards also run a circus music soundtrack

5. Do this several times until you feel better

6. Now test the memory, you won't be feeling so bad anymore, because you'd have ruined your ability to feel lousy with this memory

Enjoy your freedom and spread the cheer.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Timelines and waking up without an alarm clock

Most people think the future springs out of their past, that for every effect in the future the cause lies in the past. However the fact is that what you're doing now constitutes the bulk of your experience .

By doing I don't mean physical action alone. I mean the pictures and sounds that you see and hear internally. Your experience of this moment is subjectively created in the same instant. It is not from the past. It's all created in your head in the now!

Unless you bring the memory of the past into the present moment you cannot repeat an experience.

Unless you bring the memory of the future into your present moment you cannot experience new things.

If you notice the visual location of these two memories, you'll find them in different locations.

So the past and the future are not really time but different spaces into which we project our images and sounds to either repeat an experience or refine an experience. In fact time does not exist. We just represent it in space, it gives us an illusion of movement along a continuum. While the truth is that it's all re-created continuously this instant in our brains.

Some people represent time as shown in the pic below. It passes from one side to the other, that is, the past is on one side and the future is on the other. Such people never forget, either their past or their plans for the future. That's because it's all in front of their eyes! Also it's easy for these people to get overwhelmed with events because they see everything.

In NLP this is called 'in time'.

In Time

Through Time

The picture above shows another way of representing time where you locate the past behind you and the future in front of you. Such people can easily lose perspective if they make the immediate future much larger than their long term goals. They simply can't see their long term future if the image of immediate things become larger. In NLP this type of representation is called 'Through Time'

Many people use either of one representation systems. I use both.

If I need to do one thing followed by another I use the latter. If I need to remember a list of things to do I use the former. 'In time' is an overview, 'Through time' is the details.

Remember the present is always located just in front of your eyes in both timelines. So now you can navigate the direction of your energy and efforts. If you'd like to repeat something from the past simply drag and drop it in the present, just before your eyes. If you want to create a fresh experience, make one and drop it in the present, you can also mix and match experiences.

If you liked only a part of a past experience, take only that path and combine it with another nice experience and make a new experience. Just drop it either in the present if you want to experience it immediately or drop it in the future at the right time position.


Waking up without an alarm clock

1. Let's say if you want to wake up tomorrow to a fanfare at 6am.

2. Access the fanfare from the past and place it at the location of 6am tomorrow on both the 'in time' 'through time' timeline, along with the visual of you waking up. You will wake up without an alarm clock.

here's the Rocky Fanfare if you don't have your own!

3. Try this a few times. If you can master this mechanism, you can use it to set off all kinds of If-Then effects.

For example you can feel really good everytime someone insults you. You can increase your metabolism and lose weight everytime you eat and so on. Watch out for the next post on this mechanism!

Just remember that you do this process naturally unconsciously to create the experience you are having at this moment anyway.

My question is why not choose what you experience consciously instead of believing that your past imprints determine your future?

So practice practice practice. The day you can choose a time and wake up exactly at the same time, you have established the mechanism which can set up your future experiences exactly as you'd like to have them!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Unconscious Place of Motivation

Many people decide to go to the gym or yoga or for a jog or for kickboxing and never do. You decide to get your car stereo fixed or your house painted or go to your dentist and never do. Why is that? Why can't you just decide to do something, like make an extra 50000 bucks this month, and go ahead and do it? Of course you can. It's how you represent this thought internally that holds you back.

Remember, you learn things by forming neuro-pathways. You have the same neurological equipment as Gandhi, Mandela, Tesla, Donald Trump, Aishwarya Rai, Richard Bandler or anybody else on this planet. The way the equipment is wired is different in each person. You can wire yourself up to achieve anything. You already have the neurology, you just need the right wiring.

In this post I want to show you a powerful place of motivation and how to rewire yourself so that you can motivate yourself effortlessly to go and get what it is that you want.

Think of something that you've been meaning to do but never got around to doing. Learning the guitar, getting a haircut, finding a better job, making more money? What is it, for you, that you really need to move your butt and get going on?

When you think of this you have to make an image of it. Where do you see this image? Left, right, above, below, behind you? where? This is not the place of motivation really. In order to get motivated you have to see the image in a different location.

EXERCISE - To make something a compulsion

1. Unless you're a nudist, you have a compulsion to wear clothes when you leave your house right?

2. Notice two things. When I say, "Do you have to wear clothes when you leave the house?". Notice the location of the image formed. And notice the location of the voice which says 'yes'.

3. They need not be in the same location, you can see the image one place and hear the voice from another place. Now that you have found the sites I want you to begin constructing the motivation devices.

4. Put a large screen, like a multiplex movie screen exactly at the location of the image, see a DVD player below it also see a powerful speaker box in the location of the voice. Now visualise a DVD of you doing the thing you want to do so badly but never get around to it.

5. Push it into the DVD player and press play. The image of you doing it begins to play on the big screen in the compulsion location, ie. in exactly the same place where you saw the image of 'have to wear clothes when I leave the house'. In the powerful speakers you installed play this!

John Williams - 20th Century Fox Fanfare

Found at bee mp3 search engine

followed by...


Found at bee mp3 search engine


6. Now build a feedback device from your unconscious so that your unconscious can speak back to you. Draw wires from the screen into your right thumb. When the compulsion is installed tell your unconscious to let the thumb fill with a feeling of warmth.

7. Continue playing the DVD over and over until you feel heat building in your right thumb. Remember this is a message from your unconscious that it understands that you want to build a compulsion to do this thing you've been procrastinating. If your thumb is getting warm it means the installation is complete.

8. Do the installation 5-6 times and elicit the same response from your unconscious.

9. Now you will feel ferociously compelled to do this thing and you will find it extremely easy to do as well.

Try this and tell me how it went. I use this to motivate myself all the time. I have several DVDs in my mind that I play for different occasions when i need to feel compelled and motivated to do something.

PS nudists and exhibitionists obviously feel no compulsion to wear clothes in public, if you're one, please use any other compulsion of yours to find the compulsion location. Mail me if you're having trouble.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Talk Nice to Yourself

Most people are mean to themselves. They keep criticizing themselves. While this has it's uses to find out when you're wrong, you really need to hear criticism only once and take action. There's no need to nag yourself with an internal voice and fester bad feelings and ill health.

So how do you tell an internal voice to shut up?

The voice begins when you think you've done something wrong or when you compare yourself with others or when you feel you've been wronged and deserve more fair treatment, these are common ones but I know people who can nag themselves about pretty much anything!

What begins as a statement gains steam and soon your mind is booming with negative internal dialogue, in bad tonality.

This is good because you can now find it's location. For example, my nagging voice usually comes from my left side about 6-8 inches from my face opposite my cheek and it's directed towards me.

How would it be if your internal voice was this really sexy melting voice and it consoled you instead of criticising you? Read on...


1. So go on, nag yourself, say all the negative things that you want. In bad tonality. Like you usually do... if you were nagging yourself before you started to read this, great! Build up the voice/ voices.

2. Find it's location in space. Where does the voice come out of. It's obviously directed towards you. So the first thing to do is to change the direction of the voice so that it's talking away from you. This will give you some relief.

3. Turn the volume of the voice down so that you get some more relief.

4. Now visualise little workers putting up a sound proof cabin around the voice so that you can't hear it at all.

5. Think of the sexiest voice that can melt your heart. If this sexy voice said your name you would just become a mush ball. Now take this voice and make it 10 times sexier.

6. Visualise the little workers fix a device on the sound proof cabin so that any criticism comes out only in this sexy voice and only once.

7. Let the sexy voice then say something to console you like, 'But you learned your lesson and are moving on you hot person! Ooooooooooooh...'

8. You will feel a lot of relief from your nagging.

9. Practice this a few times until the conversion of voice happens automatically.

So now you no longer have to tell yourself how bad other people are to you or beat yourself up for something you did. You don't have to justify anything or rationalise anything in your head. You can be free to do all the things you want to do.

Free to carry on pragmatic, mature dialogue with yourself. Wouldn't that be nice :)

What if you learned this well and taught it to everyone you have to interact with on a daily basis? Wouldn't that make you really more free. Imagine if everyone was taught to control their internal nagging... we'd have more relaxed people all over the world.

Go on, make a start! Be the change!

How do you know if a mood is foul or good?

How do you know if the mood you're in is a good one or a bad one. You look in the mirror and see a frown? Yes. What if there's no mirror? Can you still tell? Of course you can!

You feel it in your body right? What do you feel that's different in a bad mood than a good mood. Try and recall the foulest mood you ever had and you see a part of the body reactions you had in that situation reflect in your body now.

That's because memory is holographic. You can cut a hologram in half and what you'll see is the whole image, but dimmer. cut it again in half and you'll still see the whole image but dimmer still. Try it if you have a holographic logo on your expired credit card.

When you try to access a memory, the whole feeling is enacted in your body, only less intense. It's possible to turn up the intensity as well.

But that's not the point of this post. What I want you to realise is that during bad feelings, the body functions are hampered, when you say you feel choked, stifled, pressured, cramped, unclear, stuck etc that's what is happening in your body! Not outside but in your body!

If bad feelings hamper the functions of your body, then it's only logical that holding them for prolonged periods will make you sick. And this is the cause of most illnesses, pains, aches, obesity, yes obesity, cholesterol buildup in your arteries etc are due to decreased metabolism triggered by tension.

When you say you're mentally tense how do you know that? You have to feel it in your body!

There is no difference between mental stress and physical stress. If you stress your muscles for short periods of time and then relax that's called exercise. If you continue to hold stress in your muscles for prolonged periods, like a year, it's called arthritis.

If you stress your core muscles intensely for short periods of time and relax them later, you get a six pack, if you stress them mildly for a long period, like 2-3 months, you get irritable bowel syndrome, acidity, gas, indigestion, slower metabolism, etc.

That's the difference between good stress (eustress) and bad stress (distress). Good stress is intense, followed by long periods of relaxation and it helps you to become strong, bad stress is milder but held continuously!

And foul moods lead to the stressing, compressing, choking and immobility of the internal and external organs, apart from the physical stress the internal organs produce harmful chemicals. Good moods lead to relaxation and better functioning of the organs, they feel more alive in a good mood, they produce chemicals that help the immune system, that's how you know you have a good mood, you feel invincible.

People recover from the gravest of illnesses when they change their mood.

So how do you get into a good mood and anchor it? Build the buttons described here

Fire off the three buttons everyday when you wake up accompanied by the sound of roaring applause and cheering.

You'll make some good decisions right away and have some good experiences and feel good all over again. This positive loop, in my opinion is the key to longevity and good health.

Try it, it can't hurt :) and tell me if you tried it!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Believing is Seeing, but in the right location of course!

You might want to believe in yourself or in someone else, or in something, You may want to believe you can grow back your lost hair or you can fix your asthma or that you can lose weight or that you can repay your loan.
The reason why it's a good idea to believe in these things is that unless you believe it you won't make a whole-hearted effort to get it done.

If you take action from a position of disbelief you're surely not going to do your best. Can you feel the truth of this statement? So today lets's learn about how your brain and neurology stores a strong belief.

Everyone agrees that the sun will rise tomorrow. We all go about our work as if it would rise tomorrow. This is an example of a strong belief, no doubts at all.
As you read the paragraph above you make a picture of this event. Where do you see the image? To the right, left, above you, below, behind? Where?

This is where your unconscious stores a strong belief. There can be other locations for other strong beliefs. This is one that works for us, because there's absolutely no doubt on this event.

Your unconscious does not speak English, or any other spoken language. it breaks down language into an intricate pattern of visuals and sounds and feelings, smells and tastes and understands something through these modalities. It has a powerful coding language of it's own. Today you'll learn how to use the swish pattern. It's a part of the unconscious vocabulary you'll be developing over the days if you follow this blog.

1. Once you've located the image and noted the boundaries of it, see the thing you want to believe in in the corner of the strong belief image as shown. For example, if you want to believe you can eat less to lose weight, see yourself pushing away a half finished plate in the corner of the 'sun will rise tomorrow' image.

2. Now expand the inset image till it fills the sunrise image totally and snap it into place with a click.

3. repeat this several times a day after entering trance especially when you're low on belief. It will become automated in a few days.

You'll build a strong belief in no time. So now make a list of all the things that you need to believe in order to make your life better, that you don't currently.

And get cracking on it , er.. swishing on it right away!

Remember you can build belief about something even if you know it to be untrue. The first thing I built a belief about is that I can change anything about myself, and I can find the method easily. At the time I thought this was untrue, I thought my fate was decided by my DNA, how long I'd live how I'd grow old and what diseases I'd suffer from. Now my world view has changed to fit this new belief that I can change anything, and I came across a lot of material that puts a cloud on the finality of DNA. All of this material suggests that this can be changed. Grey hair can be turned black, new hair follicles can form, skin can unwrinkle, metabolism can become faster like a teenager's metabolism.

I have had good results with some things and not so good with the others, but because of the strong belief I have not stopped looking and I will find more and more information. I'm studying people who don't seem to age and modeling them. If you are one of them drop me a message I'd like to ask you a few questions! Pretty soon I will have a good model of younging gracefully instead of aging gracefully.

Tell me how it's going for you!

Monday, January 19, 2009


This cool video is great to gain perspective on the universe

If something the size of our brain can contain consciousness, well there has to be consciousness in all of the universe don't you think? There are infinte states of mind other than the ones we are used to. How do we explore these? As you watched the video your mind undertook a journey across the universe officially known by modern man. How much more is documented and lost in ancient tongues?

I know for sure that a trance culture existed in India. Trances were portals into the great unconscious. It's possible that the same unconscious that controls your breathing and heart rate could be controlling the movement of the stars. Swami Rama had demonstrated great control on his 'involuntary' functions. We break bricks with a small tap from our hands in kickboxing class. Neville, one of my teachers gets behind you when you even think of hitting him. All demonstrations of the power of the unconscious mind.

Anyway all of these have one thing in common, they are all achieved in altered states of consciousness or trance.

Kung Fu does not actually refer to a martial art. It means spending energy and time in the cultivation of expertise. Expertise in anything, cooking, gardening, advertising, developing software, whatever... not just martial arts. Now people with Kung Fu are all doing things unconsciously. Look at the matrix below

This is the famous conscious competence learning matrix. Kung Fu is Unconscious Competence.
So as you can see the final state of learning something is a state of entering trance and being able to access capabilities of the unconscious at will.

With this post I hope to start you out on a study of trance. Trances are not only useful to do change-work but are essential to learn and master new skills. Useful? You bet. So isn't it worth practicing?


To initiate and deepen trance and contact the unconscious

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair with your hands on your lap and make an image of yourself sitting opposite yourself looking at yourself (phew!). You can keep your eyes closed or open, whichever makes it easier for you to visualise.
  2. Now take this vision of yourself and make it larger while simultaneously dragging it away from you. So it gets bigger, but it's moving away from you, until it's really big on the horizon.
  3. You'll begin to experience a somewhat altered state now, your breathing will deepen and your body will begin to relax.
  4. Now tilt the image a bit one way and see if your state deepens, try both sides, also try tilting it forward and back, also try turning it so that it faces you at an angle. Do all these slowly and notice the effect of it on your trance and relaxation. Keep yourself tuned to recognise if this is taking you deeper into trance or not
  5. Now turn up the brightness and check your trance, the idea being to get deeper. If you're not going deeper, try dimming the image and notice the effect on your trance.
  6. Now make the image breathe along with you and see the trance deepen.
  7. Imagine a control panel in your mind, imagine a large clickable dial with trance written on it, turn the dial up to 10X deepen and click it gently.
  8. Feel yourself drop into a 10X deeper trance
  9. Repeat 7 and 8 a few times
  10. You must be in a really deep trance by now.
  11. Imagine another large button on the control panel called unconscious communication switch.
  12. Click it on.
  13. Tell your unconscious mentally "If you hear and understand me please make my right index finger warm"
  14. See if this happened, if it did congratulations! You have established communication with your unconscious. If it didn't go back to step 1 and try again before you proceed to 15
  15. Now tell your unconscious "Please make it so that I can reach this state by going to my control panel and clicking the button called unconscious communication. If you have made it so please make my nose warm"
  16. If your nose becomes warm, thank your unconscious and slowly come back out of trance by becoming aware of the sounds in the room.
  17. Test the button by going in and clicking it, repeat steps 13 and 14 to see if it works.
You now have a great way to enter trance specifically to communicate with the unconscious part of you. Please practice this everyday. This is a useful relationship! I will elaborate on it's uses in future posts.

Great going!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Making the Right Decisions and Avoiding the Fudge Factor

Yesterday I watched Akshay kumar's latest movie Chandini Chowk to China, a caricature of Chinese martial arts. The scene that endured however wasn't one with any of the kicks or locks but of Ranvir Shorey as 'Chopstick' making a decision about whether to con the hero into going to China or not.

He vacillates between the voice of his inner angel and inner devil. The angel is dressed in spotless white indian clothes and the devil in bright red Chinese attire! Veiled political comment by the director? Hmm. 

Anyway to the others it looks as though Ranvir is needlessly turning left and right. And in fact Akshay asks him why the hell he's turning left and right. He's listening to his internal voices of course.

This is what we do when we have to decide, we not only hear voices, we see movies or slides too, we also have feelings. But under pressure many people cannot decide for themselves, they base their decisions on false assurances and rationalizations. This is what I call the fudge factor. 

So what I'm going to discuss now is a method that I use to make good decsions, you can use it too because good decisions are the cornerstone of a good life. You see good decisions lead to good experiences and good experiences lead to good feelings which lead to more good decisions... anyone read 'The Secret' and the secret 'law of attraction'? Maybe this is the loop. The secret advises you to enter this loop at the 'good feelings' stage. I just entered the loop at the good decisions stage and it has transformed the quality of my life. And unlike the secret, there's no blind believing required either :)

So here's how you build the habit of making good decisions


  1. Think of a good decision you've made, one that you have no regrets about. If you can't think about one right away, think about brushing your teeth this morning... is it a good decision with no regrets? Notice where you're looking when you think about this. Is it an image you see internally or a movie? In any case the decision with 'no regrets' is located at a specific location in the space relative to you, by your brain. Is it to your left, right, up down, in front, behind where?
  2. Once you've located the good decision, think of a lousy desicion you made, one that you regretted considerably later. If you're having trouble with this one I'm jealous! find the location of the 'lousy decision with a lot of regrets' in much the same way.
  3. Notice that these two are located at different points in space relative to you. 
  4. This sorting is really very sophisticated, if you're old enough to read and understand this, you brain already has made a decision strategy that will make you healthy, happy and comfortable. Remember there is no limit to how healthy, happy or comfortable you can get.There is a state of happiness happier than your happiest till now! Dr Bandler asks, 'How much pleasure can you stand?'  So if you can trust your brain's sorting mechanism you're on the road to great good decisions and a lot of pleasure.
  5. Ok now think of something you're undecided about, line up the various options you have and see where they fall, If they clearly fall or lean towards the 'bad decisions, many regrets' location then run a movie of the whole event from the moment you make the decision to the logical end and your unconscious will show you what's bugging you that can actually go wrong. If you find a fix for this problem the decision will magically float to the 'no regrets' place! For example I needed to attend a friend's music album launch at a particular venue, the decision to go to the place fell into the 'bad decisions many regrets' place. I was surprised that attending a friend's album launch could be a bad decision. Then i ran a movie of it, it was at a venue where I was likely to run into some people that make me uncomfortable. And that was what my unconscious was warning me against. When my wife told me that these blokes were not likely to be there because they had some other event to go to, the decision shifted into the 'no regrets' place. I went there and had a great time
  6. Build a 'WAITAMINNIT' device before you make a bad decsion. Think of the bad decision location and imagine a motion detector laser in that location. Whenever your unconscious pops a decision in this location let the 'WAITAMINNIT' alarms ring and flash 10 lights like ambulance lights in front of your face. Just build this device. Imagine installing it and test it. Install the wires and the electronics in your imagination. And pop a bad decision in the area. See if you're able to get thoselights flashing and those alarms wailing!
  7. To complete the 'WAITAMINNIT' device install a projector that automatically runs the movie for you of the whole event from the moment you make the decision to the logical end. See yourself running the wiring and circuitry for this device.Test this by making a deliberate bad decision a few times. You should hear the ambulance wail and see the flashing lights before the whole movie starts t0 run in front of your eyes.
  8. Once you've exposed the fudge factor, you can make a good decision.
  9. Whenever you hear this alarm examine your decision, because you're gonna regret it!
  10. Ever heard a cash register ring? Wire some motion detector lasers in your 'good decision' location to make that 'trr..ding' sound everytime you decide something good, because this will make you healthier and richer remember?
  11. Now's the fun part. Think of a decision you need to make, see where it's floats to, if you've built the devices right. You will automatically start to make good decisions
Tell me if you're having trouble, I'd be glad to help you build this machine in your brain.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Physical and Emotional Pain Control

I know many people out there are suffering from pain. Remember pain is a neurological phenomenon. If you had no nerves there would be no pain. I've heard of cases of child birth and surgery under hypnosis. Where the person went into an altered state and managed to turn off the pain switch.
Like any skill, NLP needs a little practice before pain control is total. But even if it's 20% reduced isn't it worth it? Just do it 5 times and it'll be 100% ok!

I've had success with many students who had swellings from fractures, the pain was negligible and the fractures healed quicker than expected with this technique.

This technique can also be used with itching and any kind of discomfort. Including the pain caused by shrill talkative people. I know a few, and i have the tone sensitive ears of a musician, before I learnt this technique I used to avoid these people. Now I can sit right in front of them and carry on a conversation!

The thing about nerves is that they habituate to the neurotransmitter very quickly. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that are passed from neuron to neuron in quick succession, they move really fast. Your neurons need to play 'passing the parcel' with your neurotransmitters in order to continue to feel the pain. The neurotransmitters of pain have to form a closed circuit or a repetitive loop in order to continue to be felt. 

You feel this as a spinning or as a radiation. 

Fear, anger, guilt etc are felt as a spinning inside your thoracic cavity, sometimes the loop can also be found in your neck and head as well. Think of an example of physical or emotional pain that feels like this.

Stubbing your toe or shin on something can cause pain too. However, this pain radiates in lines into your leg. Try it if you don't remember!

Once you've identified the pain that you are going to get rid of, (you've presupposed that the pain is leaving) reverse the loop by mentally taking the pain out, flipping it over and fitting it back so that it moves in the opposite direction. 

This is so much easier to explain with an illustration.

This is how pain feels, it usually moves into your body

Just visualise it moving out and change the radiating waves to blue

The video above is about a claustrophobia cure. But at 7:37 the technique of spinning is nicely illustrated. This works like a charm on anxieties and emotional pain. Try it!

Let me know how you did!

Exquisite States of Mind

How do you get into a state of mind? To answer this try to get into a state of anger now. When was the last time you got angry? 

Lemme guess what you did... You made a picture in your mind of the situation, ie. you saw what you saw when the situation happened, you tried to draw it closer and made it more clear, coloured, large etc. You heard what you heard in that situation and drew that sound closer, made it louder... until...

You intensified the feelings of anger in your body. You looked down and to your right to access the feelings in your body, then you vibrate and rotate them faster till you're hopping mad, all the while hearing your own or others' angry voices.

Even if you didn't exactly do what i have described to arrive at your state, you surely did three things internally saw pictures or movies, heard voices or sounds, felt the anger in your body. 

You may or may not have accessed smells and tastes internally.

All states of mind can be arrived at by manipulating these five internal processes!

In NLP these are called the 5 modalities of thought. In Hindu texts these were called Tanmatra.

States can be deepened or made less deep by changing the location, size, colour, distance, brightness etc of the images or movies you see internally and by changing the tone, tempo, distance, volume, location etc of the sounds/ voices that you hear.

You can also change the location, intensity, direction and path of movement of the feelings generated in your body to tinker with the depth of the state.

These things like location, direction etc. are called submodalities.

Changing submodalities changes the quality of mental states.

Now let's see how much pleasure and good feelings you can generate!

Make a list of the three greatest feelings you've ever had, instances in your life where you felt simply exquisite!

Situation 1
  1. See what saw in situation 1 
  2. Make the visuals more bright, more clear, bring it closer, then you step closer (mentally of course), make it larger, make it a movie, slow it down
  3. Hear what you heard in situation 1
  4. Make it 360 degrees surround sound, make the tone more pleasant, turn up the volume,
  5. Become aware of the exquisite feelings in your body
  6. Go inside yourself and locate a beautiful push button with the label 10X, this button will turn your feelings up to 10 times the intensity
  7. Pull the lever enthusiastically 10-15 times so that you're feeling 150 times more exquisite than you were feeling when situation 1 happened
  8. You must be exploding with pleasure if you did this right
  9. Imagine a cool control panel in your mind and create a large icon of situation1, much like a computer icon in the control panel of your brain. Keep the visual on the icon simple and representative of the state, like  logo for this state.
  10. click on it with your finger to load this state
Steps 9 and 10 are called anchoring. Anchors trigger off states of mind.

go through the same steps for situations 2 and 3 where you felt exquisite

You must have 3 icons one for each state on your control panel. You can click these anytime you want to feel exquisite. If you want to feel all three click all three.

Any time you want to intensify a state of mind just go in find the 10x button and jab it enthusiastically a few times.

If you're feeling low click the icons on the control panel and jab the 10X button a few times :)

If this is happening now, great. If it's not try again after you mute all voices of doubt in your brain. Just turn the volume down to zero on all dissenting and arguing voices. It's your brain, you know!

Repeat and practice this exercise until you're satisfied that you are feeling really exquisite!

It's a great tool to have in your mind.

How I met NLP

My first exposure to NLP was with Renu and Sanjeev my trainers at In Quest Foundation. This company wanted to use psycho-spiritual methods to help people. It was my first ever formal job. 

I had just graduated from art college and had a degree in sculpture.  The only reason they took me in was my experience in training a large number of women in self defence. I had been at this for 2 years then. 

They offered me the mind boggling sum of Rs 24000 a month! For me that spelled the end of all my financial woes. And getting new knowledge for free! What could be better.

This is where I learned that there's something called N-L-P Neuro Linguistic Programming. 'We can use NLP to model anyone's behaviour and create it in anyone else including ourselves.' said Renu mysteriously. And then she and Sanjeev proceeded to teach us the basics of this crazy subject. Eye accessing cues, pacing, anchoring, rapport, sensory acuity, submodalities... it was a brave new world with endless possibilities.

Then i ran into a consultant to this company called Halasyam, this gentleman was part of a group called mind masters or something like that. Anyway they had all attended seminars by Richard Bandler himself when he had come to India. What I liked about Halasyam was his confidence. So I modeled it and anchored it.

When In Quest closed down due to poor planning and in-fighting 6 months later I moved on. I studied Anthony Robbins and his NAC... pardon me, but anyone know what the big difference is? But moving on... I went on to train several corporations, because they were the only ones who'd pay huge sums of money for 3 hours of training. It was fun, but i realised nobody used the concepts because they really didn't understand it the way I was explaining it. 

So I went on with my study. The good thing about NLP is that all you need is a human brain and sharp observation to discover new things and the ability to dive into trance. Being a brahmin boy I had a really good understanding of trance states anyway. All those bija mantras and sahasranamas induced some mysterious states, what I needed was the information on how to use these states and with Dr Richard Bandler's (one of the co-founders of NLP) books and tapes I found it!

Dr Bandler has created new fields called DHE and NHR which is basically NLP on steroids! All of which I lapped up greedily and began change work on myself. I had come a long way from the first day I had heard about N-L-P in February 2004. A lot had changed and the future never looked so good!

Today my understanding of NLP is quite functional and practical. I love to watch people change. I've taught these techniques to more than 14000 people and  watched them change into better people. Nothing like hearing about a little girl using NLP to induce a state of fear in her attacker.

I think NLP is a powerful tool, but many people do not understand how to use it properly. They are learning it academically and NLP is a practical science not a theoretical one.  Dr Richard Bandler noticed and discovered so many things about the human brain and neurology that we can fast-forward evolution in our lifetime, before our very eyes. He does not believe in slow change.

Someday i hope to meet him and get properly certified from the Richard Bandler society. I do not want to take credit for this great man's work and want to pay him  his due royalties or what ever they charge to be able to use his methods.

However everything i discuss here is due to my own understanding and application of the principles and techniques of NLP, DHE and NHR.

So, who do you want to be and what do you want to experience? You can talk to many people about this, but the best thing to do is to talk to your own unconscious mind!

It has a language, and that language, of symbols and feelings is what i'm going to explore and expound with this blog. I hope reading it will help you to make the changes you want to make effortlessly!

You see people resist change for 2 main reasons
1. the new state is something they don't know and therefore scary, because the biggest fear is that of the unknown
2. they  don't know how to make the change

Dr Bandler says 'if you give people a choice they'll make it'. Iwant to give people a choice, especially in my hometown of Bangalore. Subscribe to my blog and be the change :)