Friday, January 16, 2009

Physical and Emotional Pain Control

I know many people out there are suffering from pain. Remember pain is a neurological phenomenon. If you had no nerves there would be no pain. I've heard of cases of child birth and surgery under hypnosis. Where the person went into an altered state and managed to turn off the pain switch.
Like any skill, NLP needs a little practice before pain control is total. But even if it's 20% reduced isn't it worth it? Just do it 5 times and it'll be 100% ok!

I've had success with many students who had swellings from fractures, the pain was negligible and the fractures healed quicker than expected with this technique.

This technique can also be used with itching and any kind of discomfort. Including the pain caused by shrill talkative people. I know a few, and i have the tone sensitive ears of a musician, before I learnt this technique I used to avoid these people. Now I can sit right in front of them and carry on a conversation!

The thing about nerves is that they habituate to the neurotransmitter very quickly. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that are passed from neuron to neuron in quick succession, they move really fast. Your neurons need to play 'passing the parcel' with your neurotransmitters in order to continue to feel the pain. The neurotransmitters of pain have to form a closed circuit or a repetitive loop in order to continue to be felt. 

You feel this as a spinning or as a radiation. 

Fear, anger, guilt etc are felt as a spinning inside your thoracic cavity, sometimes the loop can also be found in your neck and head as well. Think of an example of physical or emotional pain that feels like this.

Stubbing your toe or shin on something can cause pain too. However, this pain radiates in lines into your leg. Try it if you don't remember!

Once you've identified the pain that you are going to get rid of, (you've presupposed that the pain is leaving) reverse the loop by mentally taking the pain out, flipping it over and fitting it back so that it moves in the opposite direction. 

This is so much easier to explain with an illustration.

This is how pain feels, it usually moves into your body

Just visualise it moving out and change the radiating waves to blue

The video above is about a claustrophobia cure. But at 7:37 the technique of spinning is nicely illustrated. This works like a charm on anxieties and emotional pain. Try it!

Let me know how you did!

1 comment:

  1. I love this technique. Here's my experience from practicing this one:
