Saturday, January 24, 2009

How to ruin a bad memory

Ever have something happen to you that you wish had never happened? Something you feel bad about regularly? Something you can't get over?

This post is for you. The method I'm going to describe ruins the neuropathways you've built to feel bad in whenever you think of that situation. So that you can actually see the humour in it.

This can also work with anything you want to stop thinking about in the same way.

First test the memory. think about this thing and see if it's triggering bad feelings in you immediately. See the picture and hear the sounds, run the movie of this bad experience. Now if you're feeling bad that's great, this is exactly what I'm talking about.


To ruin a bad memory

1. Start at the very end of the memory. The part that really makes you feel bad. blow up the still image and turn up the volume.

2. Now start to play it backwards, everyone walks backwards, things fall up instead of down, bread pops into the toaster instead of out, you know what I;m talking about right? Just run it in reverse all the way back to the beginning before you had the event and all was well in the world. Below is an example of a backwards movie.

3. Even if it's a long movie run it backwards till the point in your life, back in time, when you were happy or laughing before this event happened.

4. As you run it backwards also run a circus music soundtrack

5. Do this several times until you feel better

6. Now test the memory, you won't be feeling so bad anymore, because you'd have ruined your ability to feel lousy with this memory

Enjoy your freedom and spread the cheer.


  1. I did this. I feel so much worse. So I did it again -- on this new memory of feeling worse -- and now I feel even worse than that. Why? HELP!
