Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Believing is Seeing, but in the right location of course!

You might want to believe in yourself or in someone else, or in something, You may want to believe you can grow back your lost hair or you can fix your asthma or that you can lose weight or that you can repay your loan.
The reason why it's a good idea to believe in these things is that unless you believe it you won't make a whole-hearted effort to get it done.

If you take action from a position of disbelief you're surely not going to do your best. Can you feel the truth of this statement? So today lets's learn about how your brain and neurology stores a strong belief.

Everyone agrees that the sun will rise tomorrow. We all go about our work as if it would rise tomorrow. This is an example of a strong belief, no doubts at all.
As you read the paragraph above you make a picture of this event. Where do you see the image? To the right, left, above you, below, behind? Where?

This is where your unconscious stores a strong belief. There can be other locations for other strong beliefs. This is one that works for us, because there's absolutely no doubt on this event.

Your unconscious does not speak English, or any other spoken language. it breaks down language into an intricate pattern of visuals and sounds and feelings, smells and tastes and understands something through these modalities. It has a powerful coding language of it's own. Today you'll learn how to use the swish pattern. It's a part of the unconscious vocabulary you'll be developing over the days if you follow this blog.

1. Once you've located the image and noted the boundaries of it, see the thing you want to believe in in the corner of the strong belief image as shown. For example, if you want to believe you can eat less to lose weight, see yourself pushing away a half finished plate in the corner of the 'sun will rise tomorrow' image.

2. Now expand the inset image till it fills the sunrise image totally and snap it into place with a click.

3. repeat this several times a day after entering trance especially when you're low on belief. It will become automated in a few days.

You'll build a strong belief in no time. So now make a list of all the things that you need to believe in order to make your life better, that you don't currently.

And get cracking on it , er.. swishing on it right away!

Remember you can build belief about something even if you know it to be untrue. The first thing I built a belief about is that I can change anything about myself, and I can find the method easily. At the time I thought this was untrue, I thought my fate was decided by my DNA, how long I'd live how I'd grow old and what diseases I'd suffer from. Now my world view has changed to fit this new belief that I can change anything, and I came across a lot of material that puts a cloud on the finality of DNA. All of this material suggests that this can be changed. Grey hair can be turned black, new hair follicles can form, skin can unwrinkle, metabolism can become faster like a teenager's metabolism.

I have had good results with some things and not so good with the others, but because of the strong belief I have not stopped looking and I will find more and more information. I'm studying people who don't seem to age and modeling them. If you are one of them drop me a message I'd like to ask you a few questions! Pretty soon I will have a good model of younging gracefully instead of aging gracefully.

Tell me how it's going for you!

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