Friday, January 30, 2009

Designer Beliefs

When you set out to achieve something or even do something, it can be hard or it can be easy. It's difficulty or ease depends more on you than you realize. If you set out to do something and have beliefs contrary to what you want to do you will find it tortuous and hard.

For example if you want to make an extra 50000 bucks this month and you believe that you'll have to work 10 times as hard, you'll kill yourself trying to do it.

Many people have negative beliefs about the very thing they'd like to achieve. Money, finding a romantic partner, finding a job, becoming thin, buying a new house, a new office, a new car, making it to the movies, whatever your desire, it must be aligned with your beliefs if you are to see any results at all!

On the other hand if you really aligned your desires with your beliefs you'd feel compelled to move your ass and get things done. You'd be effervescent and bright eyed and bushy tailed. Spreading cheer and hope in your wake!

Everyone likes a believer. Everyone needs someone to show them hope. Be that person, do the exercise below :)


To find and replace your negative beliefs with positive ones

1. State what it is that you desire

2. As soon as you state it, you will be flooded with thoughts about the desire

3. All these thoughts will reveal your beliefs about this subject

4. Write down all of them without judging them

5. You may have 10-15 thoughts

6. Now check for incongruity, for example if you desire to make more money and you believe that it's 'too much hard work' you need to change that belief to 'making money is effortless'

7. Next to the incongruous beliefs write down the congruent one

8. Find your 'bakwaas' location, this is where we store things we don't believe. Think of something you used to believe in and found out was a lie, like Santa Claus or the tooth fairy or that there's a rabbit in the moon. The place where you focus in order to see this image is your 'bakwaas location'. Bakwaas is a Hindi word that means balderdash, poppycock or bosh.

9. Say the incongruous beliefs, see the visuals they bring up and drag and drop them in the bakwaas location. Imagine a hand sticking them there with superglue.

10. Now find your strong belief location by stating the belief 'breathing is good for me' notice where your eyes focus as you say this, that's were you see the visual of 'breathing is good for me' which is undoubtedly a strong belief in all living people.

11. Take your new congruent beliefs and pop it in this location, so take the visual of 'making money is easy and effortless for me' and pop it in the location of 'breathing is good for me'

12. Do this for all the new beliefs and hear them fit in the new location with a nice click

13. Now open and close your fist 3 times. This is to anchor the belief so that it's easier to reach this neurological state represented by this belief when ever you make and open a fist 3 times.

14. Test the anchor everytime you feel the presence of the old belief. You will smoothly click the new one into place!

If in doubt mail me!


  1. I can't find the "bakwaas" location. I have looked very hard for it. When I look for the location of stupid beliefs that I no longer believe (such as "there is a man in the moon" -- in the USA< we tell children that the black marks on the moon are a man's face, not a rabbit), I cannot find the location where these beliefs exist: I cannot see a location for them. So what must I do?
