Monday, January 19, 2009


This cool video is great to gain perspective on the universe

If something the size of our brain can contain consciousness, well there has to be consciousness in all of the universe don't you think? There are infinte states of mind other than the ones we are used to. How do we explore these? As you watched the video your mind undertook a journey across the universe officially known by modern man. How much more is documented and lost in ancient tongues?

I know for sure that a trance culture existed in India. Trances were portals into the great unconscious. It's possible that the same unconscious that controls your breathing and heart rate could be controlling the movement of the stars. Swami Rama had demonstrated great control on his 'involuntary' functions. We break bricks with a small tap from our hands in kickboxing class. Neville, one of my teachers gets behind you when you even think of hitting him. All demonstrations of the power of the unconscious mind.

Anyway all of these have one thing in common, they are all achieved in altered states of consciousness or trance.

Kung Fu does not actually refer to a martial art. It means spending energy and time in the cultivation of expertise. Expertise in anything, cooking, gardening, advertising, developing software, whatever... not just martial arts. Now people with Kung Fu are all doing things unconsciously. Look at the matrix below

This is the famous conscious competence learning matrix. Kung Fu is Unconscious Competence.
So as you can see the final state of learning something is a state of entering trance and being able to access capabilities of the unconscious at will.

With this post I hope to start you out on a study of trance. Trances are not only useful to do change-work but are essential to learn and master new skills. Useful? You bet. So isn't it worth practicing?


To initiate and deepen trance and contact the unconscious

  1. Sit comfortably in a chair with your hands on your lap and make an image of yourself sitting opposite yourself looking at yourself (phew!). You can keep your eyes closed or open, whichever makes it easier for you to visualise.
  2. Now take this vision of yourself and make it larger while simultaneously dragging it away from you. So it gets bigger, but it's moving away from you, until it's really big on the horizon.
  3. You'll begin to experience a somewhat altered state now, your breathing will deepen and your body will begin to relax.
  4. Now tilt the image a bit one way and see if your state deepens, try both sides, also try tilting it forward and back, also try turning it so that it faces you at an angle. Do all these slowly and notice the effect of it on your trance and relaxation. Keep yourself tuned to recognise if this is taking you deeper into trance or not
  5. Now turn up the brightness and check your trance, the idea being to get deeper. If you're not going deeper, try dimming the image and notice the effect on your trance.
  6. Now make the image breathe along with you and see the trance deepen.
  7. Imagine a control panel in your mind, imagine a large clickable dial with trance written on it, turn the dial up to 10X deepen and click it gently.
  8. Feel yourself drop into a 10X deeper trance
  9. Repeat 7 and 8 a few times
  10. You must be in a really deep trance by now.
  11. Imagine another large button on the control panel called unconscious communication switch.
  12. Click it on.
  13. Tell your unconscious mentally "If you hear and understand me please make my right index finger warm"
  14. See if this happened, if it did congratulations! You have established communication with your unconscious. If it didn't go back to step 1 and try again before you proceed to 15
  15. Now tell your unconscious "Please make it so that I can reach this state by going to my control panel and clicking the button called unconscious communication. If you have made it so please make my nose warm"
  16. If your nose becomes warm, thank your unconscious and slowly come back out of trance by becoming aware of the sounds in the room.
  17. Test the button by going in and clicking it, repeat steps 13 and 14 to see if it works.
You now have a great way to enter trance specifically to communicate with the unconscious part of you. Please practice this everyday. This is a useful relationship! I will elaborate on it's uses in future posts.

Great going!

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